Tuesday 8 March 2011

AV - still worth a try

The apparent demise of the Lib Dems suggests that introducing AV will be a futile gesture for those wishing to break the two party system. If, as now seems inevitable, Lib Dem support drops down close to 10% even AV will not stop the massacre in 2015. But AV is still worth pursuing for a couple of reasons.

First it will legitimise the election of every MP, guaranteeing them at least some kind of majority. True, the chances are that, with a Lib Dem meltdown, many more MPs will achieve 50% of their vote at the next election, even under first past the post, but AV means all of them will.

Second, with a new electoral system in place, the political system will be ready for any new third force to emerge. This may be a revatalised Lib Dems or possibly a surging Green Movement (OK it also may be an undesirable right wing party, but at least it will expose them more effectively to some kind of accaountability). If legitimised by a referendum AV would not be repealed, evn if it were thought to be unnecessary. So, let's keep it for the future.

Sadly, from a personal point of view, it's not going to happen. A no vote now looks a near certainty.

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