Saturday, 9 May 2015

The Milibands

Yes Steve Buckley, the Labour field of contenders does not look great. I heard today, rather second hand, I know, but...... David M is rather kicking his heels in the States and wants to be back. It is quite possible to be party leader and not an MP as Nicola proves. Who knows? There will be a vacant seat before long, no doubt, maybe Ed's?!!! I have also suggested in a tweet that maybe Labour and the Lib Dems should consider merging. Look at the manifestos; there is not much between them. Old Labour tribalists wouldn't like it, nor would traditional liberals, but time maybe to start with a clean page. At the moment the centre-left vote is being split. Roll on the new liberal,social alliance! As for David Cameron, I underestimated him and his advisers. They rather got it right and clearly succeeded in attracting defecting Lib Dem voters more effectively than Labour. On the other hand the Conservative share only rose by 0.8% since 2010. Enough, though, to bring in 25 more seats. Give him his due, Cameron said he would.

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