Saturday, 26 January 2013

The EU and the HRA

Just a short post to express a fear I have regarding a forthcoming referendum on UK memebership of the EU. I have spoken to quite a number of well educated and informed people and find a fair proportion of them believe that the European Convention on Human Rights has something to do with th EU. In many cases people believe it is actually controlled by the EU. Of course this is entirely wrong. The European Convention and the Court that enforces it are part of the Council of Europe, a completely different body set up by, among others, Churchill, in the 1950s. If well informed people make this mistake, what chance the rest of the population ? The problem is that a great deal of anti European sentiment is based on opposition to the Convention, notably with regard to asylum seekers, immigration appeals and terrorist suspects. It is seen as unwarranted European interference with UK sovereignty with regard to the security of our borders. This is all very well but it has nothing at all to do with the EU. But it could well swing the referendum result against the EU.Supporters of a 'stay in' vote must therefore hope that the campaign will highlight this common misapprehension.

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