Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Daily Mail outing

Today's (Tuesday,11th) Daily Mail seems to have revealed the truth of the Fox-Werritty affair through its political cartoon which is pretty explicit. This, if it is true, would explain why Labour seems to be tiptoeing around the issue. If the reasons behind the mysterious movements of Mr Werritty are as the Mail seems to be implying (I won't say what they are, but have a look, you can probably guess - we are in Ryan Giggs country here) then the affair is probably less serious than it might be and would only raise questions about Dr Fox's character.

It clearly stretched credulity when we hear that Mr Werritty gained no financial or political or any other advantage from all his contacts with Dr Fox, unless there is another reason why he seems to pop up everywhere. The question is , how long can Fox hold out for before he does reveal the true nature of their relationship ? This is tricky. Dr Fox made a mistake right at the outset, by lying - he has admitted as much. When anyone tells lies, we have to ask what they may have to hide. So, politically, this need go nowhere and just as well in view of the sensitivity of defence issues, but isn't it time that politicians can be more open about their relationships ?

It may well be perfectly 'innocent', of course......

1 comment:

james said...

At this moment, I'd put 75% odds that he will be given the bullet.

Mind you, if he does stay, as with most things in politics, it'll be over in a few weeks, after it's been balsted in PM's questions, to re-appear when/if a 'similar' case arises.