Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Normal service is resumed....

After all the fun and games of coalition politics, the latest economic news suggests that the UK is returning to traditional left-right positions.

While the Conservative leadership is looking to pursue a neo-liberal, sound public finances, government disengagement and laissez-faire economics path (Lib Dems have gone quiet over this), Labour is taking up its conventional stance that economic stagnation is best combated by positive state intervention. The recent bad news on the economy seems to be focusing minds rather poignantly.

Put another way, the Conservatives continue to argue that too much government is the problem, Labour suggests that government is the only solution to the problem. We could be back in the 1980s ...or perhaps in the USA.


Unknown said...

For some time the public have been using the 'they're all the same' excuse as a reason for not engaging with politics - perhaps a return to 'business as usual' will help people to believe in their choices once more

Philip said...

much better than the normal service of the last 10 years, obsessed with presentation around a narrow band of idology, now more chance to have debate / national conversation about big and small government in contexts that actually feel real to people.

what has disappeared though is the talk of the brave new world of consensual coalition politics... very much normal service there

james said...

I haven't directly emailed you, but your blog is excellent and I'm sure appreciated by many.
Thanks and keep up the good work.